Lightning Bolt Baby Shower

Life in the time of COVID means many fun things have had to be canceled or postponed, including my dear friends Caity and Jason’s baby shower. Along with my Madison gal pals, we schemed to stupefy these HP-loving parents to be with a Harry Potter themed, socially distant celebration. Putting these magical details together was as easy giving your wand a swish and flick so we’re sharing them today!

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Think of All the Joy You'll Find, When You Leave the World Behind (and travel to Europe)

Cheers, mates! I’ve just returned from a delightful romp through Ireland with a short pit stop in London. While I experienced a myriad of incredible things while abroad (like holding a baby lamb and staying in a castle), I also made time to find pixie dust everywhere I traveled. I also got the chance to experience a lifetime dream celebrating one of my other obsessions—Harry Potter!

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