Here for the Snacks!
It’s Thanksgiving week, and we have so much to be thankful for! We can’t wait to make our next trip to the Most Magical Place on Earth in just a few weeks, and to be honest, one of the things we look forward to the most is – no shock – the food. In honor of everyone’s favorite food holiday, we decided to reflect on our favorite snacks from the Parks. Here are the official Pixie Dust Pals snacks rankings:
5. Mickey Pretzel
It is a scientific fact that foods shaped like Mickey taste better. Don’t ask us about the science – it’s just true. We love this savory treat with one addendum: the cheese in Disneyland is the best pretzel companion. Now if we could only get Disney to make a GF pretzel…
4. Mickey Premium Bar
We’ve already established the facts so no need to reiterate there, but nothing hits the spot quite like a Mickey Premium when you’re melting on the sidewalk waiting for the 3:00 parade.
3. Cake Pop
This is one of Allison’s must haves in the Magic Kingdom, no matter the flavor! It’s an easy snack to eat on the go and the perfect sweet treat!
2. Dole Whip
Many have tried, but nobody does Dole Whip like Disney! Another treat for those sweltering Orlando days (or for any days), it’s not a trip to Disney until you’ve had a Dole Whip!
1. Mickey Rice Krispie Treat
While putting this simple snack at #1 might be controversial, it is our very favorite treat to eat during the fireworks, and our suitcases always have more than one krispie carryon on the flight home. Can you get rice krispie treats in a lot of places? Yes. Are they as delicious as ones shaped like Mickey? Never.