Run Like the Wind, Bullseye! How to Survive a runDisney Race (Part 1)
Listen, if we can go the distance in a runDisney race, you absolutely can too! Since it’s Global Running Day and registration for the 2020 Princess Half just opened, it seems like the perfect time to share a little runDisney pixie dust with you. In our opinion, there is no race quite like a runDisney race – if you have to run, you might as well run in a tutu surrounded by magic and happiness. Whether you’ve run a million races or this is your first one, we have some tried and true tricks for making sure your race goes as smoothly as a magic carpet ride. Today, we are going to share our tips for what to do before the race!
Registering for the Race
Registering for the race can be very stressful. They have gotten so popular that if you don’t register right when it opens, you might not get in, especially if you’re looking to do a 5K or 10K In order to make your registration process go as smooth as possible, set an alert on your calendar and have the site up and ready to go at registration time. You’ll sign in using your password, so it’s also a good idea to have that ready!
Proof of Time
If you have run a 10K, half-marathon or full marathon in the past calendar year you can submit your proof of time so that you are placed in a further up corral. We highly recommend doing this, as waiting for your corral turn can be very long.
If you have not run a race before registration, never fear! Complete your registration and take careful note of the deadline for submitting proof of time. Find a 10K in your area and submit that as your proof of time! However, if you don’t care if you’re in the last corral, don’t worry about any of this.
Your fate if you forget to submit proof of time
Before you go
One of the best things about running a RunDisney race is that you get to go to Disney World! Here are a few things specifically to consider when planning a trip surrounding a RunDisney race
Stay on property. The race begins so early that it’s nice not having to worry about transportation to the starting line.
If you are willing and able to spend the money, stay at a monorail resort or at a Boardwalk resort. That way you can either ride the monorail or walk to the starting line. At all other resorts you have to catch a bus to the starting line. Buses begin at 2:30 in the morning versus catching the monorail closer to 4 a.m.
Be careful about front-loading your trip. Don’t go too hard in the parks the days before the race; your feet and body will not be happy with you. Of course, sometimes depending on your schedule this is the only option.
Picking the Perfect Outfit
Something that makes RunDisney races so much fun is that you get to dress up! People go as simple as a themed t-shirt (we love Raw Threads Athletics) or as elaborate as a full-on, head-to-toe costume. We have always opted to go the tutu route and have both made and purchased tutus for our races. Here are the links to the shops from which we ordered in the past:
There is a whole new world out there filled with Etsy shops devoted to RunDisney. If you don’t want to purchase your tutu, they’re easy to make! JoAnn’s Fabrics has a GREAT tulle selection, and you’ll find many tutu tutorials online, including the tutu-orial we saved to the Pixie Dust Pals Instagram highlights for you! Consider buying a crochet elastic band as it makes it easier to tie the tulle onto the band.
Click through the gallery below to see some of the great looks we’ve put together for past races!